Ängste und Hoffnungen

Die amerikanischen Schüler haben folgende Kommentare geschrieben:

Josh Bishop : Ich freue mich auf die Reise nach Berlin und die deutsche Schule. / Ich habe Angst vor das neue Essen. Das Essen wird mir vielleicht nicht schmecken, aber ich freue mich trotzdem darauf.
Chris Holmgren : Ich freue mich darauf, neue Leute kennenzulernen. / Ich habe Angst davor, nur Deutsch zu sprechen.
Michael Trader : Ich freue mich auf das Essen und die Schule. Ich werde auch mein Deutsch verbessern. / Ich habe Angst davor, mich mit den anderen Leuten unterhalten können.
Charlie Gnagy : Ich freue mich auf Berlin, deutsches Essen, und mehr über die deutsche Kultur zu lernen. / Ich habe Angst, weil Ich die andere Amerikanern nicht gut kenne . Ich lerne weniger als ein Jahr Deutsch, also mein Deutsch ist nicht sehr gut. (For example, I needed outside help for nearly every word in this)


Hopes & Fears

This is what the students said before their trip to America:

"I look forward to seeing how the everyday life in America is. Also I look forward to visiting the Speedway. I am a liitle bit afraid of how my family and the school will be like."

"I look forward to playing football, going fishing, the school, going camping and the other things I will do with Michael."

"I look forward to seeing the big fitness centre, visiting the Speedway, going to an American High School, going to a church camp, visiting a skyscraper, speaking a lot of English. I am a little bit afraud of saying goodbye to my family and friends."

"I look forward to the High School, the trip to Chicago and meeting new people. I am a bit afraid of the flight and I that I do not understand the people in America."

"I look forward to meeting my host family, Chicago, the school, the shopping, the Speedway, the flight. I am a little bit afraid of saying goodbye to Germany and 3 weeks later saying goodbye to America. And I hope that I can speak the language well enough."

"I look forward to visiting an American High Scholl, meeting my exchange student, Halloween and seeing Chicago. I am a little bit afraid of th eflight, that I have too much stuff so that they won`t fit into my bag and that I won`t understand a word they say."

"I look forward to the trip to Chicago and my experiences with the host family and the time at school. I am worried about the language problems."

"I look forward to spending time with my host family, to the trip to Chicago and finding out about American culture. I am afraid of the problems with the language."

"I look forward to spending time with the exchange students and my host family, the trip to Chicago, the school and learning something about the culture. And I am excited about all the things that we will see. I am a little bit afraid of the flight and that my family and the others won`t understand me."