Es war heute der zweite Schultag am Gymnasium Letmathe. Von Münster dauerte die Fahrt ungefähr eine Stunde, aber leider gab es heute und gestern einen Stau. Wir kamen pünktlich an, aber das war sehr nah. In der ersten Stunde war ich bei Frau Hennemann in ihrer Englischklasse. Die Schüler können wirklich gut English sprechen. Ich lies ein paar Texte vor und die Schüler beantworteten Fragen darüber. Ich glaube, dass sie sich auf eine Prüfung vorbereiten. In der dritten Stunde war ich bei einer Deutschklasse für die 8. Klasse. Das Thema handelte von indirekter Rede. Es war nett, weil ich eigentlich einigen Schülern helfen konnte. Nach der vierten Stunde machten wir einen Ausflug zur Dechenhöhle. Die Höhle wurde im Jahr 1868 ganz im Zufall entdeckt. Beim Bau einer Bahnlinie hatte ein Arbeiter seinen Hammer in ein Loch fallen gelassen und als er versuchte, ihn wieder zu finden, entdeckte er die Höhle. Ich fand die Geschichte und auch die Höhle ganz interessant. Nach dem Besuch der Höhle fuhren wir wieder nach Münster. Wir planen jetzt mal eine Currywurst essen und dann uns auf morgen vorzubereiten.
-Herr Ziliak
Ich wurde um 6.30 aufgewacht. Nach dem Frühstücken gingen ich und Johanna in die Schule. Als wir zur Schule ankamen, ging Johanna in die Klasse, und Frau Hennemann leitete für die Amerikaner und den neuen Costaricaner eine kleine Tour des Gymnasiums. Nachdem wir unsere "Homeroom" hatten, holten uns unsere Partner ab, und wir gingen mit ihnen zur nächsten Klasse. In Johannas Religionklasse verstand ich sehr wenig. Nach der Mittagspause hatte Johanna einen englischen Vertiefungskurs. Die deutschen Schüler fragten Michael und mich viel über Amerika. Johanna und ich gingen nach dieser Stunde wieder nach Hause hin. Zum Abendessen aßen wir Fleisch, Kartoffeln und Rüben.
Ich wachte um 10.00 auf und aß Brötchen mit Honig und auch Brötchen mit Nutella. Dann spielte ich ein paar Stunden das Videospiel "League of Legends." Vor der Reise zur Burg Altena duschte ich mich, und dann fuhren wir mit dem Auto von Mircos Eltern. Wir machten eine Tour der Burg und wurden zu Rittern geschlagen. Danach fuhren wir mit Charlie nach Hause und gingen in die Stadt. Wir aßen Pizza mit den anderen amerikanischen und deutschen Schülern. Nach dem Abendessen gingen wir wieder nach Hause, und ich spielte noch mal "League of Legends." Gegen 0.00 ging ich ins Bett.
Wir kamen sehr früh am Morgen an. Am ersten frühstückten wir, während wir über die Unterschiede zwischen Deutschland und die USA sprachen. Das Frühstück war voll lecker. Ich hatte Brötchen mit Schinken, und es schmeckte sehr gut. Nach dem Frühstücken packte ich aus. Ich war so müde, aber ich durfte nicht schlafen. Nachdem wir das Mittagessen hatten, gingen ich und Nick zu Fuß in die Stadt, damit wir alles sehen und fotografieren könnten. Zum Abendessen aß ich nur Kartoffeln, aber mir schmeckten sie auch sehr gut. Deutsche Kartoffeln finde ich besser als amerikanische Kartoffeln. Jetzt muss ich schlafen, denn ich bin so müde.
-Josh Bishop
Gestern morgen fingen wir unsere Reise nach Deutschland an. Alle trafen sich um 11.00 beim Flughafen in Indianapolis . Es gab viele Träne, aber auch mal vieles Lächeln. Zuerst flogen wir nach Chicago. Der Flug dauerte nur eine halbe Stunde. Dann flogen wir mit einem größeren Flugzeug nach Deutschland hin. Die Sitzplätze waren unbequem. Das Flugzeug war silber, blau, rot und weiß. Wir flogen über den Atlantischen Ozean. Wir bekamen einen Kissen, eine Bettdecke und zwei Mahlzeiten. Erstaunlicherwise war das Abendessen sehr gut. In der Nacht konnte ich gar nichts aus dem Fenster sehen. Der Flug von Amerika bis zu Deutschland dauerte sieben Stunden. Wir landeten gegen 6.00 morgens. Nicks Vater holte mich ab und fuhr mich zum Simon. Er fuhr auf der Autobahn. Viele Menschen fuhren sehr schnell. Die Straßen sind schmaller als die Straßen in Amerika. Ich sah viele ausländischen Autos. Schließlich kam ich bei Simon Zuhause an.
-Michael Trader
The Americans have finally arrived this morning. Their plane landed at Düsseldorf early in morning. The boys were picked up by Mirco and Nick, and we hope they have a good first day in their host families!
German students enjoy time at BD
Students learn about life in America
This year was the third year Ben Davis has participated in the German American Partnership Program (GAPP). GAPP is a non-profit high school exchange program sponsored by the German Foreign Office and the U.S. Department of State.
More than 300,000 students and more than 800 schools have participated and it is still growing. GAPP provides students with an intercultural experience.
This year Ben Davis welcomed 10 German students. Their names are Johanna Bitter, Mirco HIppel, Simon Ruppel, Julia Rudek, Jan Homberg, Leon Heins, Katharina SaB, Holly Heine, Jana Helen Walter and Kathrin Hennemann.
“People were so friendly here. Some were weird, but everyone was really nice,” Rubek said.
Ben Davis is very different to the high schools in Germany. Many of the German students loved all the many opportunities and choices that Ben Davis has. Things like our band program, the yearbook program and Career Center do not exist in Germany. Another thing that they appreciated here at our school was the relationships that students have with their teachers. Walter explained that back in her own high school there is no such thing as a teacher-student relationship.
“The teachers here are very nice. My favorite classes are theater and mass media. I love the band here too,” she said.
The German students really loved being here and are sad that they are leaving. Their last day at Ben Davis is today.
Although they miss their family and friends they wished they could stay longer and enjoy more of our school. Most of them that they will definitely come back if they had a chance.
“I miss my family but I don’t want to leave,” Rudek said.
- See more at: year was the third year Ben Davis has participated in the German American Partnership Program (GAPP). GAPP is a non-profit high school exchange program sponsored by the German Foreign Office and the U.S. Department of State.
More than 300,000 students and more than 800 schools have participated and it is still growing. GAPP provides students with an intercultural experience.
This year Ben Davis welcomed 10 German students. Their names are Johanna Bitter, Mirco HIppel, Simon Ruppel, Julia Rudek, Jan Homberg, Leon Heins, Katharina SaB, Holly Heine, Jana Helen Walter and Kathrin Hennemann.
- See more at: year was the third year Ben Davis has participated in the German American Partnership Program (GAPP). GAPP is a non-profit high school exchange program sponsored by the German Foreign Office and the U.S. Department of State.
More than 300,000 students and more than 800 schools have participated and it is still growing. GAPP provides students with an intercultural experience.
This year Ben Davis welcomed 10 German students. Their names are Johanna Bitter, Mirco HIppel, Simon Ruppel, Julia Rudek, Jan Homberg, Leon Heins, Katharina SaB, Holly Heine, Jana Helen Walter and Kathrin Hennemann.
“People were so friendly here. Some were weird, but everyone was really nice,” Rubek said.
Ben Davis is very different to the high schools in Germany. Many of the German students loved all the many opportunities and choices that Ben Davis has. Things like our band program, the yearbook program and Career Center do not exist in Germany. Another thing that they appreciated here at our school was the relationships that students have with their teachers. Walter explained that back in her own high school there is no such thing as a teacher-student relationship.
“The teachers here are very nice. My favorite classes are theater and mass media. I love the band here too,” she said.
The German students really loved being here and are sad that they are leaving. Their last day at Ben Davis is today.
Although they miss their family and friends they wished they could stay longer and enjoy more of our school. Most of them that they will definitely come back if they had a chance.
“I miss my family but I don’t want to leave,” Rudek said.
- See more at: comes the article that was published in the school`s newspaper:
German students enjoy time at BD
This year was the third year Ben Davis has participated in the German American Partnership Program (GAPP). GAPP is a non-profit high school exchange program sponsored by the German Foreign Office and the U.S. Department of State.
More than 300,000 students and more than 800 schools have participated and it is still growing. GAPP provides students with an intercultural experience.
This year Ben Davis welcomed 10 German students. Their names are Johanna Bitter, Mirco HIppel, Simon Ruppel, Julia Rudek, Jan Homberg, Leon Heins, Katharina SaB, Holly Heine, Jana Helen Walter and Kathrin Hennemann.
“People were so friendly here. Some were weird, but everyone was really nice,” Rubek said.
Ben Davis is very different to the high schools in Germany. Many of the German students loved all the many opportunities and choices that Ben Davis has. Things like our band program, the yearbook program and Career Center do not exist in Germany. Another thing that they appreciated here at our school was the relationships that students have with their teachers. Walter explained that back in her own high school there is no such thing as a teacher-student relationship.
“The teachers here are very nice. My favorite classes are theater and mass media. I love the band here too,” she said.
The German students really loved being here and are sad that they are leaving. Their last day at Ben Davis is today.
Although they miss their family and friends they wished they could stay longer and enjoy more of our school. Most of them that they will definitely come back if they had a chance.
“I miss my family but I don’t want to leave,” Rudek said.
We thank...
Charlie and his family, Chris and his family, Michael and his family, Salena and her family, Josh and his family, James and his family, Alyson and her family, Savannah and her family, Raven and her family as well as Mrs Dawn and Mr Ziliak for having us! We had a great time!
I woke up like every morning when I had to go to school. My heartbeat was too fast because I had only one thought: ”I don`t want to go back to Germany.” I think our time here was wonderful, and we made so many new experiences and saw how America is. If someone asked us if we would like to fly to Indianapolis again, everybody would immediately say: “Yes.”
We met at the airport at 11:30. All the host parents were there, and some host students were there too (how did they manage to do that? Are there airport passes?). The farewell was really hard, so hard that some of us had to cry. It is unbelievable how close you can be with your host family in only three weeks.
Then we checked in our suitcases, took some photos and went to the hand luggage check, but they weren`t as strict as at the airport in Chicago. Our plane left the airport 30 minutes too late so that we were afraid to miss the connection again – just like in Chicago on the way to our destination. But we didn`t, although we had to run the next gate in Washington DC. Luckily, we didn`t have to worry about our bags this time as they were taken straight to Frankfurt. Everybody was relieved though when we sat on the plane going straight back to Germany. The second flight took about seven hours. Some slept, but some were so nervous that they couldn`t sleep. We had the same entertainment like on the plane to Chicago.
Our plane arrived in Frankfurt at 7.00 a.m. (1 a.m. Indianapolis time), and we only had to pick up our bags and find the exit. When we walked around the corner all our parents stood there. It was a warm reunion and everybody was finally happy to be home again.
I got a ballon from my parents because it was my sixteenth birthday on 12th November. And yes, I spent my entire birthday sitting on a plane, but it was definitely worth being in America, so I did not mind.
Katharina Saß
Photo 1: Saying goodbye at the airpport
This day started like a normal day at Ben Davis High School. We were in different lessons, but in the 10th lesson we had our German Home Room.
We talked about all sorts of things.
After school everybody spent time with his or her own family until we met at a Mexican restaurant. There we ate Mexican food and talked about the happenings of the day and about our time in America. After this 'farewell party' we drove home and went to bed because we needed to be fit for our flight back to Germany.
In addition to that, yesterday was a relevant day for the Americans because it was the so-called 'Veteran`s Day'. On this day everbody thinks of the soldiers. And on this special day many things are for free for the Veterans (for example free carwash or a free coffee at Starbucks).
So the three weeks of our stay in a America are over now, and we have lots of things to tell.
Our group talked about things we will miss and things where we look forward to.
The biggest thing we all will miss is of course our host family. But the school and the daily Home Rome with the other Germans too. Also the other Americans and the interesting and delicious food will be missed.
The things where we look forward to are certainly our familiy, friends and our bed. But also we are glad to have no chlorine in our water anymore, the typical German sorts of bread and sparkling water.
Short conclusion: We had three wonderful, informative and interesting weeks in America and are glad to see our families again. But we are looking forward to see some of the Americans in Germany in spring. Guys, we are waiting for you!!!
Simon Ruppel
The pictures all show our farewell dinner.
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